retailer Snapshot


What do we know about Wawa shoppers? Explore demographic and psychographic highlights of Wawa shoppers and their top retail channels.

Wawa Retailer Snapshot

Demographics & Psychographics: Percent of a retailer’s shoppers who fall into each demographic/psychographic breakout, indexed against the percent of the general population in that breakout. An index of 120 would indicate the retailer’s shoppers are 20% more likely to be part of a given breakout than the average shopper (i.e. 20% more likely to be Gen Z). 

Top Channels: The share of spending captured by each retail channel among a retailer’s shopper base, indexed against the share of spending captured by the general population in that channel. This applies to spending across all categories, brands and channels. An index of 80 would indicate the retailer’s shopper base spends 20% less in a given channel than the average shopper.

Interested in additional retailers, restaurants, or brands? Please direct all media inquiries to Bob Richter, Numerator publicist at


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