Remain your shopper’s store of choice.
Win shopper loyalty, build bigger baskets, and develop your growth strategy with more visibility into purchase behavior and the opinions and influencers that affect it.
Get the omnichannel visibility you need to know more and grow more.
Keep Pace with Dynamic Shopper & Market Shifts
Adjust Promotional Strategies to Meet Customer Needs
Capture Your Fair Share of Growth
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Omnichannel Visibility
All retail channels, from Club to QSR to eCommerce.
Comprehensive Understanding
Deep insights via surveys that combine shopper behaviors with attitudes, opinions, and media consumption.
Insights On-demand
On-demand access to path & purchase data updated daily.
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Numerator's OmniPanel by the numbers.
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SNAP Insights Center

Regional Retail Insights

Building Promotional Stories that Drive Growth
Watch as Numerator Customer Success Manager, Vicente Fernandez, demonstrates the storytelling power of promotions data.